
What About Your Friends?

“What about your friends will they stand their ground
Will they let you down yeah, yeah
What about your friends are they gonna be low down
Will they ever be around or will they turn their backs on you”
TLC “What about Your Friends”

The older I get the more tightly I hold the reservation of the term friend.  A friend is someone who does not care how many degrees I have or the status of my personal connections lists.  A friend loves me at my best and at my worst.  A friend is someone I can call when I need a shoulder to cry on or is an open mind of which I can share ideas.  A friend is the person who sees the best in me when I only want to focus on what is wrong about me because I am perfectionist.  In 2005, I decided to leave Seattle and quit my job to move to Houston.  It was a bold move met with both encouragement and the infamous “you have some nerve quitting a good job.”   The nerve argument was because I did not immediately have another job lined up.  In 2006, I interviewed and went to career fairs faithfully however it took an entire year to find a new position.  I can say this is one of my boldest moves. I faced my fears head on and learned some humility lessons I needed to learn in terms of pride.  I also learned I had some friends of mine that were really associates.  The risk taker in me had made some people very uncomfortable.  Making some people uncomfortable turned into unreturned phone calls and e-mails on the no response list.   At the end of 2006, I found my current position and moved to Dallas.   It was a joyous time my prayers had been answered but not without a test of my faith and learning more about who my true friends are.  Currently, I am expanding my dreams in the world of publishing and the performing arts.  Since I was ten years old, I loved the arts even though as an adult I would pursue a degree in engineering. The pursuit of my dreams is now bringing on the comments “a career in the arts is not marketable in this economy.”  However, making this happen and flourish is at the top of my bucket list and no matter what my ambitions, as an artist and writer remain solid despite another person’s doubts.  The truth is nothing is stable not even the engineering job others may think is the most secure. I appreciate all of my truly supportive friends that know how much this dream means to me.  It is not about seeking fame or recognition it is about embracing my passion and gifts that I know are a blessing.  Overall, what about my friends is the fact the number is really smaller for me in times of great adversity and uncomfortable change.


Chris L. said...

Great post. Where there is friendship, there is real Love. That is precisely why friendship is essential in any real relationship, to include our most important relationship, which is the one with Christ.

That is why it is extremely important for us who choose to marry to join up with one of our friends. Not marry someone and try to make them our friend afterward (because we cannot forge a friendship), marry someone who IS our friend already. This does not jive with Hollywood's or society's definition of love. They say it is this funny feeling that we have for someone. But, God defines love, because He is Love, and real Love is actually elements of His spirit manifested in the actions of others.

Love is a choice, and so is friendship. Our true friends simply choose us, out of Love.

Black Adamas the Intellectual said...

Once again you have laced the world with pure TRUTH, unlocking doors for those needing wisdom and direction. The TRUTH is, your calling, is "your" calling. Matters not the thoughts or opinions of the masses, for the assignments that have been gifted to you via the Most High are what carry weight here. So, with all that you have, please continue to infuse "that good stuff" into the ether... whether they admit, express, or reveal it... people are taught, enlightened, and rescued by your gift... #dontyoudarestop

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Yet another wonderful piece from the pen/key board of AM.
Well said story about friends and friendship and the personal experience. Keep going my dear AC friend :-) :-) :-) where is the share button, I pressed the g+ hi hi
want to follow but now visible button pl provide one
Best regards