
When the Clutch is Gone

In the valleys of your life a message becomes evidently clear, everything that has previously provided peace and comfort to you no longer provides a definitive solution. This place of uncertainly begins to shed light on just how much you have allowed external things to guide you instead of relying on an unshakable faith higher than your own understanding. The truth is, once the clutch is gone, the very thing, person or controlling factors you have built around you disappears no longer making you feel invincible and fail proof. You begin to notice your strong desire to move along the fast lane leads to an unfamiliar staggering pace and the only clear option is embracing humility. You will begin to see your perfect exit plans fall apart and for questions about what is next for you there is no concrete answer. On top of the world, living on cloud nine smiling was effortless, now the depth of your silence screams fear. The fear at first exposes the pain of relinquishing control of your circumstances but eventually it reveals great opportunities for growth and extraordinary change. Finally, a rebirth begins and the person in the mirror experiences a transformation that involves embracing the imperfect side of self-needing spiritual or emotional healing. Overall, when the clutch is gone, it is time to say goodbye to the inflated confidence of knowing everything and the reality that life is often a journey into the unknown.

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