
Exercise Caution While Using Labels

A little box sits on a shelf inside of a convenience store. Its covering is pristine packaging that many find normal and expected for a box of its sort. However, some things will never fit inside of this box leaving many people perplexed and feeling a bit of discomfort. The box is a metaphoric place in human nature that likes to place a person comfortably inside of it to upkeep the predetermined norm. However, in every environment there are rebels who not only live outside of the box but also constantly challenge conventional thinking. In an ideal world, these people would be an example of being extraordinarily different and accepted but the reality is these individuals are often the object of a bullies torment. Bullying has certainly taken a turn for the worse in recent years. The war of words has damaged the self-esteem of many and unfortunately, in several cases for some the only way to escape it all is suicide. Words can turn into unfavorable labels that some people simply cannot wash away and act as if it is not offensive. Overall, the unfavorable impact words can have on a person’s psyche should alert someone to exercise caution while using labels to describe someone else.

Labels can hurt and if you think about some of these commonly used every day it is very belittling with an alarming impact on someone’s self-esteem. The following are labels used to describe people that have a lasting impact for some a moment in time and others several years to an entire lifetime:

Too Fat
Too Thin
Too Weird
Too Gay
Too Emotionally Scarred
Too Much of a Sinner and Not Christian Acting Enough
Too Fair or Dark in Complexion
Too Quiet
Too Different
Too Outspoken
Too Antisocial
Too Plain
Too Nerdy

The labels above can be quite offending and sometimes a person’s erratic behavior is acting out of defiance to an unfavorable label that is troubling the person deeply inside. Someone once told me, “Hurt people hurt people.” If you think about it, most bullies are probably batting some deeply rooted issues as well. At the end of the day, the only label that really matters is “Child of God.” Overall, exercising caution while using labels is exhibiting unconditional love by “loving thy neighbor as they self.”

For resources on combating bullying or suicide prevention, please contact:



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