
What's your hustle?

One of the many definitions of hustle is to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business. There is often a negative connotation associated with the word but if examined more closely the innate desire to achieve against all odds is in close comparison to the word.

So what’s your hustle?

Think about it. The corporate executive, blue collar worker, entertainer, physician all want to reach a certain level of success in wealth, status or accolades.

It’s all a game in which every move counts because for the most part your actions place you further ahead or behind in the playing field.

I am working hard to establish myself in the writing world. I am aiming to create a brand of my own. Writing is my new hustle so I am constantly searching for new opportunities to further advance in the field.

Hopefully you have realized there is something you desire to make happen. Now that you have proclaimed your hustle create a strategy to achieve results.

If the word hustle unnerves you then just think of it as your dream. Dreams are great to have but with no action plan they simply fade away.

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