
What's your hustle?

One of the many definitions of hustle is to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business. There is often a negative connotation associated with the word but if examined more closely the innate desire to achieve against all odds is in close comparison to the word.

So what’s your hustle?

Think about it. The corporate executive, blue collar worker, entertainer, physician all want to reach a certain level of success in wealth, status or accolades.

It’s all a game in which every move counts because for the most part your actions place you further ahead or behind in the playing field.

I am working hard to establish myself in the writing world. I am aiming to create a brand of my own. Writing is my new hustle so I am constantly searching for new opportunities to further advance in the field.

Hopefully you have realized there is something you desire to make happen. Now that you have proclaimed your hustle create a strategy to achieve results.

If the word hustle unnerves you then just think of it as your dream. Dreams are great to have but with no action plan they simply fade away.


"I Will No Longer Fight Me"

An individual is born and his or her dream develops and expands. My dream is to become a professional writer. Right now I spend 60 percent of the day doing my day job and when the evening falls I experience the highs and lows of pursuing my passion. I have no idea when the end will justify the means so I will stay on the grind and keep a journal of my steps and the many roadblocks I experience. “I will no longer fight me” is my personal proclamation to the world. I know that among all things that I am my true passion is in writing and the performing arts.


Beauty of Success

The beauty of success is that it can occur in the center of chaos and self doubt. My mother use to say to me, “You are your own worst critic” and now I realize that she was right as I struggle with the spirit of the perfectionist in me. I now embrace the knowledge and wisdom I have gained over the years as I search for a road to individual happiness. The greatest gift given to me as a human being is the ability to envision dreams, discovering the pathway to foster them into reality. The outcome of success can be remarkable because it serves as validation that one’s hard work and dedication reaps beneficial results. Personally, success has meant much more such as loving myself despite my shortcomings and holding on to all the morals and values instilled in me while I was growing up. Now and forever more I will embark on the continuous journey of spreading my wings, flying with a passionate light that shine insides of me to become the person I am destined to be. I now invite you into the intricate details of all that I am and most importantly all that life and my personal experiences have taught me. Welcome to the journey of "Outside The Box" hope that you will continue visiting my blog.