
The "Up in the Air" Moment

In the movie “Up in the Air”, George Clooney’s characters job is to fly across the country and fire people on behalf of various companies management teams.  Along the way, he has a protégé that tries to tell him it is not normal to detach from people and fire someone without showing any level of emotion. Over time, Clooney’s character also reveals he also prides himself on loving and leaving women heartbroken without second thought.  However, he meets the woman whom he decides he may be able to change the tune of his game for and he thinks he is ready to settle down.  Mr. Clooney’s character has not realized or feels he is immune to karma in other words reaping what you sow.   It turns out the woman he is seeing is married, and sees Clooney as an escape from her family life.  As this blow is delivered to Clooney’s character his demeanor says it all and the “I can’t believe this is happening to me moment has become surreal.”   In my own life, this moment is the “so this is what it feels like moment” and I know it is well deserved based on my preceding actions. Bad things do happen to good people but truthfully often karma is the reason certain unfavorable things are happening to someone.  There is no happy ending in the “Up in the Air”  movie but it is a great way to ponder for a little bit over an hour on how much what you give is what you eventually receive.  Universal law may seem unkind but it is always fair in accessing when it is time for a humbling moment leading to a person's character flaw realization.  The end may leave the person feeling hurt or played in the relationship but the question is, “can this person admit to deserving it?”  Overall, the person should acknowledge living in the midst of a personal version of the “Up in the Air” moment.

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