
"Father and Daughter Time" Coming Soon

Well its been a long time coming to this point. For several years, I have battled with balancing my creative and analytical self. I am engineer by profession but a writer at heart. However, about two years ago I started the project “Conversations with My Father” on Associated Content. I never imagined anyone would be interested in a series of conversations I have had with my father. There was a great deal of uncertainty in how the interviews would be perceived by others but it was an extraordinary way for me to open the lines of communication with my father. This project has helped to heal past wounds and strengthen a father and daughter relationship in more ways than one.

Ten conversations were posted on Associated Content and there was overwhelming feedback to turn the series into a book. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to read the series and left a comment my family’s internal gratitude is an understatement to say the very least.

For those who never read the series here’s the first installment posted on Associated Content http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/439662/conversations_with_my_father_.html?cat=25

Stay tuned the book "Father and Daughter Time: Conversations from the heart" is almost ready for print. Thanks to everyone who has supported my writing endeavors from the very beginning. This is only the first phase in "The Evolution of A.M. Morgan" and the birth of "3 Morgan Publishing."